Starting Points for Green & Growing People
Create and Celebrate Green & Growing Days!
Ty Howard

What's a Green & Growing Day?"

A Green & Growing Day is a day where you commit to creating and having a day that is filled with learning, productivity, service, laughter, fun, growth, positivity, healthy choices, civility, forgiveness, love, and prosperity. That's a Green & Growing Day! Now you know, let’s starting creating and celebrating more of them.

Here’s how you too can Create and Celebrate Green & Growing Days:

1) Start your day off with a big smile. As soon as your eyes open in the morning, make it your new positive habit to wake up with a big smile on your face. If you focus and make this happen consistently you will find that by the time you actually get up and start moving around, you will begin doing so with a positive frame of mind.

2) Make the first thing you hear or read be something positive. Majority of the time, each morning, you have control over the very first thing you hear or read. Strive to make sure it’s something motivational, encouraging or inspirational.

3) Prepare and dress for a Green & Growing Day. Make it your new positive habit to prepare for the next day the night before. When you wake up prepared, organized and knowing your game plan for the new day, you will find that through this strategy you can and will become a master of Creating and Celebrating Green & Growing Days!

4) Flow and grow through the challenges. No one day will be perfect. There will always be challenges of some sort. Knowing this fact, each day heighten your level of mental toughness so you’re able to flow and grow through life’s challenges.

5) Seek advice and support wisely. We win in life with people. Create a network of reliable supporters that you can call on during challenging or good times, people who are wise and positive models and mentors for you to seek advice and support from.

6) Inspire and encourage at least one person, other than you. Empowered Green & Growing Living is about service; serving family, community, country, and a cause. It’s about inspiring a generation so that we can make the world and our space in it a more positive, peaceful and loving place to live.

7) Take stock, celebrate, and show appreciation for every Green & Growing Day! When you know and can confidently say, “Today was a Green & Growing Day!” That’s when you must 1) take stock of how you were able to take it one, 2) celebrate your accomplishments for that day no matter how large or small, and 3) give thanks to your predetermined Higher Power for gifting you with the Green & Growing! 




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How does being and staying motivated help you on a daily basis?

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